Yes, I know I missed my self-imposed Wednesday deadline yesterday. While it might seem like a lame-oh excuse, I was busy working on a new site. It is so much more fun to work on something new than update something that’s already running like this blog. And I’m just so excited about this project!
The new site will feature free crafts projects and tips. The projects will be offered without requiring membership or any other sort of payment. Only complete patterns, projects or technique tutorials will be included. No generic junk like ‘making wreaths can be fun and if you make your own you can design them to match your decor’ that never actually provides instructions on how to make a wreath.
My knowledge of crochet, quilting, needlework, and beading will be the start of the site. I plan to also include projects from old books and magazines that have fallen out of copyright. Rather than simply post those pieces as is, I plan to make sure that the old stitch definitions (i.e. differences between how to make the double crochet stitch) and yarn suggestions are updated with more current explanations.
Unlike many of the other free craft project sites, no project or tutorial will be listed without at least one picture of the finished item. I would rather have half as much content and have it fully illustrated and explained than have a bunch of generic articles that don’t really offer any value for crafters.
On each project page, the licensing will be clearly defined. There won’t be any guessing as to which items can be made for resale or only for personal use. If the pattern/project offers a licensing program that will also be mentioned along with a link to the licensing details.
When the site gets going, I hope that other crafters will submit pictures of their finished items they made using the free projects. These pictures will be added to the end of the project pages to further inspire others.
I also hope that other crafters will submit projects, patterns, and tutorials that I could use on the site. In return for their time they will get free advertising for their websites or shops. Each submitted project, pattern or tutorial will include a biography about the author and 2 links to their website or shop. Along with the standard biography, submitters will be given banner advertising on the new site. (More on the banner advertising at a later date as the site gets closer to launch.)
Project, patterns, and tutorials must be complete, understandable, and at least partially illustrated and contain a picture of the completed item.
You can probably see why I am so excited about this project and uhm, forgot to post yesterday.
For now the site name is a secret – it’s nowhere near ready for the public. If you have any ideas for projects, patterns, or tutorials that you would like to have included; please e-mail me through the contact for on Craft Tips
UPDATE 10/30/07 – The Crafty Tipster is finally launched!
I am adding new content daily and so far there are free projects in the Spool Knitting and Crochet.
Be sure to come and check it out!